
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Query Letters

I have just spent a good deal of time researching query letters for the short stories and novel I'd like to have published.

I thought the letter was going to be super hard to write and worse, boring. It turns out, though, that the query letter is a lot like the back cover of a book. The only setback is that I have zero... nada... no credentials. So I'm going on a hope and a prayer that the stories I've written will be intriguing enough to wet the appetite of a literary agent.

My goal is that all of the short stories I've written, which share a similar theme will be published together in a book. Kind of like Jhumpa Lahiri's Pulitzer Prize Winner "Interpreter of Maladies" - the main theme deals with men and women from India who have to adapt to the American culture... in an essence, but you get the picture.

I am currently editing the eight chapters I've written so far on my novel by monitor light (kind of like candle-light only brighter) while the whole house is asleep. Sssshh... I don't want to wake anyone up, but I'm pretty excited because I feel like my dream is coming true little by little.

Hope all is well in your world! Any new accomplishments?
God bless,