
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Query Letters

I have just spent a good deal of time researching query letters for the short stories and novel I'd like to have published.

I thought the letter was going to be super hard to write and worse, boring. It turns out, though, that the query letter is a lot like the back cover of a book. The only setback is that I have zero... nada... no credentials. So I'm going on a hope and a prayer that the stories I've written will be intriguing enough to wet the appetite of a literary agent.

My goal is that all of the short stories I've written, which share a similar theme will be published together in a book. Kind of like Jhumpa Lahiri's Pulitzer Prize Winner "Interpreter of Maladies" - the main theme deals with men and women from India who have to adapt to the American culture... in an essence, but you get the picture.

I am currently editing the eight chapters I've written so far on my novel by monitor light (kind of like candle-light only brighter) while the whole house is asleep. Sssshh... I don't want to wake anyone up, but I'm pretty excited because I feel like my dream is coming true little by little.

Hope all is well in your world! Any new accomplishments?
God bless,

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Good Read

I just finished reading a book called, "Jane Austen ruined my life" by Beth Patillo and what a yummy delight it was! At every twist and turn of Emma's (the main character) journey we find a succulent puzzle piece to the mystery she has fallen into.

Completely fictional, aside from locations that Jane Austen lived or visited, the book wets your appetite about the true nature of Jane Austen through "hidden" letters. It almost convinced me to chuck all of the information I have learned through my literary tenure of Jane Austen and accept a new truth. Fortunately, Beth gives us a brief note at the end that the information that Emma, her main character, procured was fictional.

I sighed a note of relief - and I'll be honest there was more than one moment that I questioned how this information could have been kept secret OR how we had not known it by now!

Mark of a great writer on Beth's part to be such a proficient at creating a fantastic story.

And now I'm off to put pen to paper... because I just can't help myself and the heart of a novelist must be heard!

Yours truly,

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

I made a To-Do list yesterday and to my surprise I actually completed most of it with the exception of one very important thing...
  • Make new year's resolutions
Insert deep sigh.

Every year I try diligently to not only put deep thought into my new year's resolutions but also to stick to them. I think I kept meaning to make new year's resolutions last year but never truly put much thought to it. The lazy bone set in and it was just better to be left to idly slip through 2010 than to be accountable for something.

So the year two-thousand and ten came and went with not a whole lot to show for it, that is on my part at least. Jesus, of course, gets all of the glory for the plenitude of gifts that he bestowed upon me. I am humble enough to know that I would not have survived last year without his great mercy!
With that being said, I'm not deeply thinking about my new year's resolutions this year but deeply praying instead. I have become best friends with the Holy Spirit. I call upon him now even to answer some of the most trivial questions: such as "Lord, should I buy these hamburger buns or the other ones?" And believe it or not, he gives me a solid, "Yes" or "No" answer. Guess what that leaves? Very little room for my mistakes.

What I have learned from my past unaccomplished new year's resolutions is to try your best not to use the word(s) 'always', 'everyday', 'every week', etcetera, etcetera. This will keep you from failing the first week when your indolent body continues it's same repetitive path it is accustomed to.
My best suggestion is pick one or two things that you genuinely want to accomplish in a years time and stick to them. If cleaning all of your closets out and getting your house organized is a goal you've been wanting to achieve then make that your new year's resolution. I heard a DJ for the KLOVE Radio Station this morning state that her new year's resolution is to live a simpler life. Rather than spend all of her energy keeping up with current trends she is going to turn the TV off and read the Bible more often. That hit a place in my heart and I thought that a simpler life sounds right up my alley.

So that is my new year's resolution (you were wondering if I was going to share, weren't you?). I'm going to find the simple things in life to enjoy this year; pray, read the Bible, so much that my very being will absorb the living word, play more music (it's so relaxing to get lost in the notes and sounds of melodies), and write. I know, you're saying, but Angel, you tried that last year and you only wrote three completed short stories. My rebuttal is this: I spent so much of my time on things that I am not supposed to control that I lost track of the gifts that God has given me.

He has blessed me with the ability to write and to enjoy writing, and I owe him at minimal the inertia to actually use my talent. Where it will lead me... only our gracious God knows the answer to that.
And for my sanity - no deadlines! I have grown to detest that word and pray that someday God will provide me the simple life that allows me to live outside of time and all of it's contingencies.
I would love to know what your new year's resolutions are and look forward to praying for you as you accomplish all that God is laying on your hearts to attain.

God bless you,
Happy New Year!