
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Query Letters

I have just spent a good deal of time researching query letters for the short stories and novel I'd like to have published.

I thought the letter was going to be super hard to write and worse, boring. It turns out, though, that the query letter is a lot like the back cover of a book. The only setback is that I have zero... nada... no credentials. So I'm going on a hope and a prayer that the stories I've written will be intriguing enough to wet the appetite of a literary agent.

My goal is that all of the short stories I've written, which share a similar theme will be published together in a book. Kind of like Jhumpa Lahiri's Pulitzer Prize Winner "Interpreter of Maladies" - the main theme deals with men and women from India who have to adapt to the American culture... in an essence, but you get the picture.

I am currently editing the eight chapters I've written so far on my novel by monitor light (kind of like candle-light only brighter) while the whole house is asleep. Sssshh... I don't want to wake anyone up, but I'm pretty excited because I feel like my dream is coming true little by little.

Hope all is well in your world! Any new accomplishments?
God bless,

1 comment:

  1. My creative writing teacher once told the class that there is a 1% chance that any of us would get an acceptance letter when we sent our stories out. She followed it up by saying that if a story (or stories) are beleived to be great then they will search for that one editor that will say 'yes'. I've heard your stories and they are really good, and need to be shared with the world. So keep the Faith and God will make a way.

